Recruitment – January, 2018

Rumanshi’s Lair is after a couple of new recruits.    This new year, I’ll be attempting to re-start all the major projects, which will need some help.   If you’re seeing this, you know what to do.

‘I, without possessing a job, aim to become an adventurer’ is in dire need of a translator.  If you feel you might be a suitable candidate, you can join my Discord or send me an email at with the subject ‘Rumanshi’s Lair Recruitment’

Editing at Rumanshi’s Lair is for my original novel, ‘The Harem was a Forced Goal’.  Editing for this will not be the same as editing translations.  You’ll need to comment on bad plot-lines, highlight issues in grammar and perhaps provide suggestions.
If you feel you might be a suitable candidate, you can join my Discord or send me an email at with the subject ‘Rumanshi’s Lair Recruitment’

Other Roles
If you feel you might have another task you’ll be good at, you can join my Discord or send me an email at with the subject ‘Rumanshi’s Lair Recruitment’ and explain what you wish to do.

3 thoughts on “Recruitment – January, 2018

  1. blue

    Hey rumanshi just wanted to say good job with your original novel THWAG. I quite like the hard mode aspect of it a lot and can’t wait for it to get back. Unfortunately i don’t think i can meet your needs as an editor so i just wanted to give my regards and let you know there is one more person out their that appreciates your work in the novel community.

    Keep up the good work and can’t wait to see what happens in fei’s story as well as souta’s story in OWMB.

    Going to start reading aim to become an adventure have a lovely day 🙂



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